N-Gram model for unigram lexicon features#

from ekorpkit import eKonf

print("version:", eKonf.__version__)
print("is notebook?", eKonf.is_notebook())
print("is colab?", eKonf.is_colab())
print("evironment varialbles:")
INFO:ekorpkit.base:IPython version: (6, 9, 0), client: jupyter_client
INFO:ekorpkit.base:Google Colab not detected.
version: 0.1.35+1.gbeed9e1
is notebook? True
is colab? False
evironment varialbles:
 'EKORPKIT_CONFIG_DIR': '/workspace/projects/ekorpkit-book/config',
 'EKORPKIT_PROJECT': 'ekorpkit-book',
 'NUM_WORKERS': 230}

Load a ngram model with LM lexicon scores#

ngram_cfg = eKonf.compose("model/ngram=lm")
ngram_cfg.verbose = True
ngram_cfg.auto.load = True
ngram = eKonf.instantiate(ngram_cfg)
INFO:ekorpkit.base:instantiating ekorpkit.models.ngram.ngram.Ngrams...
INFO:ekorpkit.preprocessors.tokenizer:instantiating ekorpkit.preprocessors.stopwords.Stopwords...
INFO:ekorpkit.base:Calling load_candidates
INFO:ekorpkit.io.file:Processing [1] files from ['/workspace/projects/ekorpkit/ekorpkit/resources/lexicons/LM.parquet']
INFO:ekorpkit.io.file:Loading 1 dataframes from ['/workspace/projects/ekorpkit/ekorpkit/resources/lexicons/LM.parquet']
INFO:ekorpkit.io.file:Loading data from /workspace/projects/ekorpkit/ekorpkit/resources/lexicons/LM.parquet
INFO:ekorpkit.io.file: >> elapsed time to load data: 0:00:00.039804
INFO:ekorpkit.models.ngram.ngram:loaded 58142 candidates
print(f"Number of candidates: {len(ngram.candidates)}")
Number of candidates: 58142
sentence = "Beyond the improved voice capabilities, customers now have a streamlined way to comply with recalls and other traceability requirements, providing them with a competitive advantage."
tokens = ngram.tokenize(sentence)
['beyond', 'the', 'improved', 'voice', 'capability', ',', 'customer', 'now', 'have', 'a', 'streamlined', 'way', 'to', 'comply', 'with', 'recall', 'and', 'other', 'traceability', 'requirement', ',', 'provide', 'them', 'with', 'a', 'competitive', 'advantage', '.']
_features = ngram.find_features(sentence)
Hide code cell output
INFO:ekorpkit.models.ngram.ngram:found 22 ngrams
{'beyond': {'Negative': 0,
  'Positive': 0,
  'Uncertainty': 0,
  'Litigious': 0,
  'Constraining': 0,
  'Superfluous': 0,
  'Interesting': 0,
  'Modal': 0,
  'count': 1},
 'the': {'Negative': 0,
  'Positive': 0,
  'Uncertainty': 0,
  'Litigious': 0,
  'Constraining': 0,
  'Superfluous': 0,
  'Interesting': 0,
  'Modal': 0,
  'count': 1},
 'improved': {'Negative': 0,
  'Positive': 2009,
  'Uncertainty': 0,
  'Litigious': 0,
  'Constraining': 0,
  'Superfluous': 0,
  'Interesting': 0,
  'Modal': 0,
  'count': 1},
 'voice': {'Negative': 0,
  'Positive': 0,
  'Uncertainty': 0,
  'Litigious': 0,
  'Constraining': 0,
  'Superfluous': 0,
  'Interesting': 0,
  'Modal': 0,
  'count': 1},
 'capability': {'Negative': 0,
  'Positive': 0,
  'Uncertainty': 0,
  'Litigious': 0,
  'Constraining': 0,
  'Superfluous': 0,
  'Interesting': 0,
  'Modal': 0,
  'count': 1},
 'customer': {'Negative': 0,
  'Positive': 0,
  'Uncertainty': 0,
  'Litigious': 0,
  'Constraining': 0,
  'Superfluous': 0,
  'Interesting': 0,
  'Modal': 0,
  'count': 1},
 'now': {'Negative': 0,
  'Positive': 0,
  'Uncertainty': 0,
  'Litigious': 0,
  'Constraining': 0,
  'Superfluous': 0,
  'Interesting': 0,
  'Modal': 0,
  'count': 1},
 'have': {'Negative': 0,
  'Positive': 0,
  'Uncertainty': 0,
  'Litigious': 0,
  'Constraining': 0,
  'Superfluous': 0,
  'Interesting': 0,
  'Modal': 0,
  'count': 1},
 'streamlined': {'Negative': 0,
  'Positive': 0,
  'Uncertainty': 0,
  'Litigious': 0,
  'Constraining': 0,
  'Superfluous': 0,
  'Interesting': 0,
  'Modal': 0,
  'count': 1},
 'way': {'Negative': 0,
  'Positive': 0,
  'Uncertainty': 0,
  'Litigious': 0,
  'Constraining': 0,
  'Superfluous': 0,
  'Interesting': 0,
  'Modal': 0,
  'count': 1},
 'to': {'Negative': 0,
  'Positive': 0,
  'Uncertainty': 0,
  'Litigious': 0,
  'Constraining': 0,
  'Superfluous': 0,
  'Interesting': 0,
  'Modal': 0,
  'count': 1},
 'comply': {'Negative': 0,
  'Positive': 0,
  'Uncertainty': 0,
  'Litigious': 0,
  'Constraining': 2009,
  'Superfluous': 0,
  'Interesting': 0,
  'Modal': 0,
  'count': 1},
 'with': {'Negative': 0,
  'Positive': 0,
  'Uncertainty': 0,
  'Litigious': 0,
  'Constraining': 0,
  'Superfluous': 0,
  'Interesting': 0,
  'Modal': 0,
  'count': 2},
 'recall': {'Negative': 2009,
  'Positive': 0,
  'Uncertainty': 0,
  'Litigious': 0,
  'Constraining': 0,
  'Superfluous': 0,
  'Interesting': 0,
  'Modal': 0,
  'count': 1},
 'and': {'Negative': 0,
  'Positive': 0,
  'Uncertainty': 0,
  'Litigious': 0,
  'Constraining': 0,
  'Superfluous': 0,
  'Interesting': 0,
  'Modal': 0,
  'count': 1},
 'other': {'Negative': 0,
  'Positive': 0,
  'Uncertainty': 0,
  'Litigious': 0,
  'Constraining': 0,
  'Superfluous': 0,
  'Interesting': 0,
  'Modal': 0,
  'count': 1},
 'traceability': {'Negative': 0,
  'Positive': 0,
  'Uncertainty': 0,
  'Litigious': 0,
  'Constraining': 0,
  'Superfluous': 0,
  'Interesting': 0,
  'Modal': 0,
  'count': 1},
 'requirement': {'Negative': 0,
  'Positive': 0,
  'Uncertainty': 0,
  'Litigious': 0,
  'Constraining': 2009,
  'Superfluous': 0,
  'Interesting': 0,
  'Modal': 0,
  'count': 1},
 'provide': {'Negative': 0,
  'Positive': 0,
  'Uncertainty': 0,
  'Litigious': 0,
  'Constraining': 0,
  'Superfluous': 0,
  'Interesting': 0,
  'Modal': 0,
  'count': 1},
 'them': {'Negative': 0,
  'Positive': 0,
  'Uncertainty': 0,
  'Litigious': 0,
  'Constraining': 0,
  'Superfluous': 0,
  'Interesting': 0,
  'Modal': 0,
  'count': 1},
 'competitive': {'Negative': 0,
  'Positive': 0,
  'Uncertainty': 0,
  'Litigious': 0,
  'Constraining': 0,
  'Superfluous': 0,
  'Interesting': 0,
  'Modal': 0,
  'count': 1},
 'advantage': {'Negative': 0,
  'Positive': 2009,
  'Uncertainty': 0,
  'Litigious': 0,
  'Constraining': 0,
  'Superfluous': 0,
  'Interesting': 0,
  'Modal': 0,
  'count': 1}}

Load a ngram model with HIV4 lexicon scores#

ngram_cfg = eKonf.compose(config_group="model/ngram=hiv4")
ngram_cfg.verbose = True
ngram_cfg.auto.load = True
ngram = eKonf.instantiate(ngram_cfg)
INFO:ekorpkit.base:instantiating ekorpkit.models.ngram.ngram.Ngrams...
INFO:ekorpkit.preprocessors.tokenizer:instantiating ekorpkit.preprocessors.stopwords.Stopwords...
INFO:ekorpkit.base:Calling load_candidates
INFO:ekorpkit.io.file:Processing [1] files from ['/workspace/projects/ekorpkit/ekorpkit/resources/lexicons/HIV-4.parquet']
INFO:ekorpkit.io.file:Loading 1 dataframes from ['/workspace/projects/ekorpkit/ekorpkit/resources/lexicons/HIV-4.parquet']
INFO:ekorpkit.io.file:Loading data from /workspace/projects/ekorpkit/ekorpkit/resources/lexicons/HIV-4.parquet
INFO:ekorpkit.io.file: >> elapsed time to load data: 0:00:00.040765
INFO:ekorpkit.models.ngram.ngram:loaded 11787 candidates
sentence = "Beyond the improved voice capabilities, customers now have a streamlined way to comply with recalls and other traceability requirements, providing them with a competitive advantage."
tokens = ngram.tokenize(sentence)
['beyond', 'the', 'improved', 'voice', 'capabilities', ',', 'customers', 'now', 'have', 'a', 'streamlined', 'way', 'to', 'comply', 'with', 'recalls', 'and', 'other', 'traceability', 'requirements', ',', 'providing', 'them', 'with', 'a', 'competitive', 'advantage', '.']
_features = ngram.find_features(sentence)
Hide code cell output
INFO:ekorpkit.models.ngram.ngram:found 10 ngrams
{'beyond': {'Positiv': None,
  'Negativ': None,
  'Pstv': None,
  'Affil': None,
  'Ngtv': None,
  'Hostile': None,
  'Strong': None,
  'Power': None,
  'Weak': None,
  'Submit': None,
  'Active': None,
  'Passive': None,
  'Pleasur': None,
  'Pain': None,
  'Feel': None,
  'Arousal': None,
  'EMOT': None,
  'Virtue': None,
  'Vice': None,
  'Ovrst': None,
  'Undrst': None,
  'Academ': None,
  'Doctrin': None,
  'Exch': None,
  'ECON': None,
  'Exprsv': None,
  'Legal': None,
  'Milit': None,
  'POLIT': None,
  'Relig': None,
  'Role': None,
  'COLL': None,
  'Work': None,
  'Ritual': None,
  'SocRel': None,
  'Race': None,
  'MALE': None,
  'Female': None,
  'Nonadlt': None,
  'HU': None,
  'ANI': None,
  'PLACE': None,
  'Social': None,
  'Region': None,
  'Route': None,
  'Aquatic': None,
  'Land': None,
  'Sky': None,
  'Object': None,
  'Tool': None,
  'Food': None,
  'Vehicle': None,
  'BldgPt': None,
  'ComnObj': None,
  'NatObj': None,
  'BodyPt': None,
  'ComForm': None,
  'COM': None,
  'Say': None,
  'Need': None,
  'Goal': None,
  'Try': None,
  'Means': None,
  'Persist': None,
  'Complet': None,
  'Fail': None,
  'NatrPro': None,
  'Begin': None,
  'Vary': None,
  'Increas': None,
  'Decreas': None,
  'Finish': None,
  'Stay': None,
  'Rise': None,
  'Exert': None,
  'Fetch': None,
  'Travel': None,
  'Fall': None,
  'Think': None,
  'Know': None,
  'Causal': None,
  'Ought': None,
  'Perceiv': None,
  'Compare': None,
  'EVAL': None,
  'Solve': None,
  'ABS': None,
  'Quality': None,
  'Quan': None,
  'NUMB': None,
  'ORD': None,
  'CARD': None,
  'FREQ': None,
  'DIST': None,
  'TIME': None,
  'Space': 'Space',
  'POS': None,
  'DIM': None,
  'Rel': None,
  'COLOR': None,
  'Self': None,
  'Our': None,
  'You': None,
  'Name': None,
  'Yes': None,
  'No': None,
  'Negate': None,
  'Intrj': None,
  'IAV': None,
  'DAV': None,
  'SV': None,
  'IPadj': None,
  'IndAdj': None,
  'PowGain': None,
  'PowLoss': None,
  'PowEnds': None,
  'PowAren': None,
  'PowCon': None,
  'PowCoop': None,
  'PowAuPt': None,
  'PowPt': None,
  'PowDoct': None,
  'PowAuth': None,
  'PowOth': None,
  'PowTot': None,
  'RcEthic': None,
  'RcRelig': None,
  'RcGain': None,
  'RcLoss': None,
  'RcEnds': None,
  'RcTot': None,
  'RspGain': None,
  'RspLoss': None,
  'RspOth': None,
  'RspTot': None,
  'AffGain': None,
  'AffLoss': None,
  'AffPt': None,
  'AffOth': None,
  'AffTot': None,
  'WltPt': None,
  'WltTran': None,
  'WltOth': None,
  'WltTot': None,
  'WlbGain': None,
  'WlbLoss': None,
  'WlbPhys': None,
  'WlbPsyc': None,
  'WlbPt': None,
  'WlbTot': None,
  'EnlGain': None,
  'EnlLoss': None,
  'EnlEnds': None,
  'EnlPt': None,
  'EnlOth': None,
  'EnlTot': None,
  'SklAsth': None,
  'SklPt': None,
  'SklOth': None,
  'SklTot': None,
  'TrnGain': None,
  'TrnLoss': None,
  'TranLw': None,
  'MeansLw': None,
  'EndsLw': None,
  'ArenaLw': None,
  'PtLw': None,
  'Nation': None,
  'Anomie': None,
  'NegAff': None,
  'PosAff': None,
  'SureLw': None,
  'If': None,
  'NotLw': None,
  'TimeSpc': 'TimeSpc',
  'FormLw': None,
  'count': 1},
 'the': {'Positiv': None,
  'Negativ': None,
  'Pstv': None,
  'Affil': None,
  'Ngtv': None,
  'Hostile': None,
  'Strong': None,
  'Power': None,
  'Weak': None,
  'Submit': None,
  'Active': None,
  'Passive': None,
  'Pleasur': None,
  'Pain': None,
  'Feel': None,
  'Arousal': None,
  'EMOT': None,
  'Virtue': None,
  'Vice': None,
  'Ovrst': None,
  'Undrst': None,
  'Academ': None,
  'Doctrin': None,
  'Exch': None,
  'ECON': None,
  'Exprsv': None,
  'Legal': None,
  'Milit': None,
  'POLIT': None,
  'Relig': None,
  'Role': None,
  'COLL': None,
  'Work': None,
  'Ritual': None,
  'SocRel': None,
  'Race': None,
  'MALE': None,
  'Female': None,
  'Nonadlt': None,
  'HU': None,
  'ANI': None,
  'PLACE': None,
  'Social': None,
  'Region': None,
  'Route': None,
  'Aquatic': None,
  'Land': None,
  'Sky': None,
  'Object': None,
  'Tool': None,
  'Food': None,
  'Vehicle': None,
  'BldgPt': None,
  'ComnObj': None,
  'NatObj': None,
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  'COM': None,
  'Say': None,
  'Need': None,
  'Goal': None,
  'Try': None,
  'Means': None,
  'Persist': None,
  'Complet': None,
  'Fail': None,
  'NatrPro': None,
  'Begin': None,
  'Vary': None,
  'Increas': None,
  'Decreas': None,
  'Finish': None,
  'Stay': None,
  'Rise': None,
  'Exert': None,
  'Fetch': None,
  'Travel': None,
  'Fall': None,
  'Think': None,
  'Know': None,
  'Causal': None,
  'Ought': None,
  'Perceiv': None,
  'Compare': None,
  'EVAL': None,
  'Solve': None,
  'ABS': None,
  'Quality': None,
  'Quan': None,
  'NUMB': None,
  'ORD': None,
  'CARD': None,
  'FREQ': None,
  'DIST': None,
  'TIME': None,
  'Space': None,
  'POS': None,
  'DIM': None,
  'Rel': None,
  'COLOR': None,
  'Self': None,
  'Our': None,
  'You': None,
  'Name': None,
  'Yes': None,
  'No': None,
  'Negate': None,
  'Intrj': None,
  'IAV': None,
  'DAV': None,
  'SV': None,
  'IPadj': None,
  'IndAdj': None,
  'PowGain': None,
  'PowLoss': None,
  'PowEnds': None,
  'PowAren': None,
  'PowCon': None,
  'PowCoop': None,
  'PowAuPt': None,
  'PowPt': None,
  'PowDoct': None,
  'PowAuth': None,
  'PowOth': None,
  'PowTot': None,
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  'RcLoss': None,
  'RcEnds': None,
  'RcTot': None,
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  'RspLoss': None,
  'RspOth': None,
  'RspTot': None,
  'AffGain': None,
  'AffLoss': None,
  'AffPt': None,
  'AffOth': None,
  'AffTot': None,
  'WltPt': None,
  'WltTran': None,
  'WltOth': None,
  'WltTot': None,
  'WlbGain': None,
  'WlbLoss': None,
  'WlbPhys': None,
  'WlbPsyc': None,
  'WlbPt': None,
  'WlbTot': None,
  'EnlGain': None,
  'EnlLoss': None,
  'EnlEnds': None,
  'EnlPt': None,
  'EnlOth': None,
  'EnlTot': None,
  'SklAsth': None,
  'SklPt': None,
  'SklOth': None,
  'SklTot': None,
  'TrnGain': None,
  'TrnLoss': None,
  'TranLw': None,
  'MeansLw': None,
  'EndsLw': None,
  'ArenaLw': None,
  'PtLw': None,
  'Nation': None,
  'Anomie': None,
  'NegAff': None,
  'PosAff': None,
  'SureLw': None,
  'If': None,
  'NotLw': None,
  'TimeSpc': None,
  'FormLw': None,
  'count': 1},
 'now': {'Positiv': None,
  'Negativ': None,
  'Pstv': None,
  'Affil': None,
  'Ngtv': None,
  'Hostile': None,
  'Strong': None,
  'Power': None,
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  'Submit': None,
  'Active': None,
  'Passive': None,
  'Pleasur': None,
  'Pain': None,
  'Feel': None,
  'Arousal': None,
  'EMOT': None,
  'Virtue': None,
  'Vice': None,
  'Ovrst': None,
  'Undrst': None,
  'Academ': None,
  'Doctrin': None,
  'Exch': None,
  'ECON': None,
  'Exprsv': None,
  'Legal': None,
  'Milit': None,
  'POLIT': None,
  'Relig': None,
  'Role': None,
  'COLL': None,
  'Work': None,
  'Ritual': None,
  'SocRel': None,
  'Race': None,
  'MALE': None,
  'Female': None,
  'Nonadlt': None,
  'HU': None,
  'ANI': None,
  'PLACE': None,
  'Social': None,
  'Region': None,
  'Route': None,
  'Aquatic': None,
  'Land': None,
  'Sky': None,
  'Object': None,
  'Tool': None,
  'Food': None,
  'Vehicle': None,
  'BldgPt': None,
  'ComnObj': None,
  'NatObj': None,
  'BodyPt': None,
  'ComForm': None,
  'COM': None,
  'Say': None,
  'Need': None,
  'Goal': None,
  'Try': None,
  'Means': None,
  'Persist': None,
  'Complet': None,
  'Fail': None,
  'NatrPro': None,
  'Begin': None,
  'Vary': None,
  'Increas': None,
  'Decreas': None,
  'Finish': None,
  'Stay': None,
  'Rise': None,
  'Exert': None,
  'Fetch': None,
  'Travel': None,
  'Fall': None,
  'Think': None,
  'Know': None,
  'Causal': None,
  'Ought': None,
  'Perceiv': None,
  'Compare': None,
  'EVAL': None,
  'Solve': None,
  'ABS': None,
  'Quality': None,
  'Quan': None,
  'NUMB': None,
  'ORD': None,
  'CARD': None,
  'FREQ': None,
  'DIST': None,
  'TIME': None,
  'Space': None,
  'POS': None,
  'DIM': None,
  'Rel': None,
  'COLOR': None,
  'Self': None,
  'Our': None,
  'You': None,
  'Name': None,
  'Yes': None,
  'No': None,
  'Negate': None,
  'Intrj': None,
  'IAV': None,
  'DAV': None,
  'SV': None,
  'IPadj': None,
  'IndAdj': None,
  'PowGain': None,
  'PowLoss': None,
  'PowEnds': None,
  'PowAren': None,
  'PowCon': None,
  'PowCoop': None,
  'PowAuPt': None,
  'PowPt': None,
  'PowDoct': None,
  'PowAuth': None,
  'PowOth': None,
  'PowTot': None,
  'RcEthic': None,
  'RcRelig': None,
  'RcGain': None,
  'RcLoss': None,
  'RcEnds': None,
  'RcTot': None,
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  'RspLoss': None,
  'RspOth': None,
  'RspTot': None,
  'AffGain': None,
  'AffLoss': None,
  'AffPt': None,
  'AffOth': None,
  'AffTot': None,
  'WltPt': None,
  'WltTran': None,
  'WltOth': None,
  'WltTot': None,
  'WlbGain': None,
  'WlbLoss': None,
  'WlbPhys': None,
  'WlbPsyc': None,
  'WlbPt': None,
  'WlbTot': None,
  'EnlGain': None,
  'EnlLoss': None,
  'EnlEnds': None,
  'EnlPt': None,
  'EnlOth': None,
  'EnlTot': None,
  'SklAsth': None,
  'SklPt': None,
  'SklOth': None,
  'SklTot': None,
  'TrnGain': None,
  'TrnLoss': None,
  'TranLw': None,
  'MeansLw': None,
  'EndsLw': None,
  'ArenaLw': None,
  'PtLw': None,
  'Nation': None,
  'Anomie': None,
  'NegAff': None,
  'PosAff': None,
  'SureLw': None,
  'If': None,
  'NotLw': None,
  'TimeSpc': 'TimeSpc',
  'FormLw': None,
  'count': 1},
 'a': {'Positiv': None,
  'Negativ': None,
  'Pstv': None,
  'Affil': None,
  'Ngtv': None,
  'Hostile': None,
  'Strong': None,
  'Power': None,
  'Weak': None,
  'Submit': None,
  'Active': None,
  'Passive': None,
  'Pleasur': None,
  'Pain': None,
  'Feel': None,
  'Arousal': None,
  'EMOT': None,
  'Virtue': None,
  'Vice': None,
  'Ovrst': None,
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