Key features#

Easy Configuration#

  • You can compose your configuration dynamically, enabling you to easily get the perfect configuration for each research.

  • You can override everything from the command line, which makes experimentation fast, and removes the need to maintain multiple similar configuration files.

  • With a help of the eKonf class, it is also easy to compose configurations in a jupyter notebook environment.

No Boilerplate#

  • eKorpkit lets you focus on the problem at hand instead of spending time on boilerplate code like command line flags, loading configuration files, logging etc.


  • A workflow is a configurable automated process that will run one or more jobs.

  • You can divide your research into several unit jobs (tasks), then combine those jobs into one workflow.

  • You can have multiple workflows, each of which can perform a different set of tasks.

Sharable and Reproducible#

  • With eKorpkit, you can easily share your datasets and models.

  • Sharing configs along with datasets and models makes every research reproducible.

  • You can share each unit jobs or an entire workflow.

Pluggable Architecture#

  • eKorpkit has a pluggable architecture, enabling it to combine with your own implementation.