
N-gram models#

N-gram models assume each word (event) depends only on the previous n−1 words (events):

\[\text{Unigram model: } P(w^{(1)} \ldots w^{(i)} ) = \prod_{i=1}^{N} P(w^{(i)})\]
\[\text{Bigram model: } P(w^{(1)} \ldots w^{(i)} ) = \prod_{i=1}^{N} P(w^{(i)}|w^{(i-1)})\]
\[\text{Trigram model: } P(w^{(1)} \ldots w^{(i)} ) = \prod_{i=1}^{N} P(w^{(i)}|w^{(i-1)},w^{(i-2)})\]
  • Independence assumptions where the n-th event in a sequence depends only on the last n-1 events are called Markov assumptions (of order n−1).

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