Deep Learning for NLP#

📜 Course Description#

  • This course aims to cover cutting-edge deep learning methods for natural language processing.

  • The topics include word embeddings and contextualized word embeddings; language models; transformers; pre-training and fine-tuning; sequence tagging (NER, question answering); sequence generation (summarization, machine translation), zero-shot learning, etc.

♾️ Learning Goals#

By the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • Understand fundamental concepts in natural language processing, including text representation, sequence modeling, and neural machine translation.

  • Understand the state-of-the-art deep learning methods for natural language processing, including word embeddings and contextualized word embeddings; language models; transformers; pre-training and fine-tuning; sequence tagging (NER, question answering); sequence generation (summarization, machine translation), zero-shot learning, etc.

  • Implement key algorithms in natural language processing using deep learning frameworks such as PyTorch or TensorFlow.

  • Train and tune state-of-the-art models on large-scale datasets.

  • Read and understand recent research papers in natural language processing.

🏆 Grading#

  • Participation: 10%

  • Midterm: 30%

  • Term Project: 60%

🧠 Term Project#

  • Students will be required to complete a term project as part of this course.

  • At the midterm, you need to submit a proposal for your project.

  • The proposal includes the data, and you have to perform the exploratory data analysis on this data.

  • The term project can take the form of either a research paper or a practical implementation.

  • For the term project, you need to submit a report and a codebase.

  • The report should be around 10 pages, and it should describe your methodology, results, and discussion.

  • The project will be graded on correctness, readability, and efficiency.

📒 Lecture Notes#

You can find the lecture notes of the course by clicking on the following link:

🎲 The Whole Game#

  • Harvard Professor David Perkins’s book, Making Learning Whole, popularized the idea of “teaching the whole game.”

  • We don’t require kids to memorize all the rules of baseball and understand all the technical details before we let them play the game.

  • Rather, they start playing with a just general sense of it, and then gradually learn more rules/details as time goes on.

  • This course takes this approach to deep learning.

  • Most courses on deep learning focus only on what the network “is” and how it works.

  • This course is different: instead of teaching just the network, we show how to use it to solve problems.

  • We start by teaching a complete, working, very usable deep learning network using simple, expressive tools. Then we show how to use it to solve real-world problems.

  • This approach has several advantages:

    • It makes deep learning more accessible and understandable. Students can see how deep learning can be used in practice, and they can immediately start using it to solve their own problems.

    • It helps students learn the whole game of machine learning, not just deep learning. In addition to showing how to use a state-of-the-art deep learning network, we also teach important concepts such as data preprocessing, model evaluation, and deployment.

    • It gives students a strong foundation for further study. Because the course covers both the theory and practice of deep learning, students will be well prepared for more advanced courses on the subject.

🗓️ Table of Contents#