
Dotfiles are configuration files that are used to customize your shell and other applications. Dotfiles are a great way to standardize your development environment. You can use the same dotfiles in your local development environment, in your CI/CD pipeline, and in your production environment.


Chezmoi is a tool for managing your dotfiles across multiple machines, securely. Chezmoi allows you to manage your dotfiles in a Git repository.

Install chezmoi#

Before installing chezmoi, make sure that you have installed Git, curl, and a recent version of Go.

One-line binary install

sh -c "$(curl -fsLS"

Chezmoi will be installed in \(HOME/bin, so make sure that \)HOME/bin is in your $PATH.

export PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH"

For more information, see Install chezmoi.

Initialize chezmoi#

If it is the first time you use chezmoi, you need to initialize it.

chezmoi init

Or if you want to use the existing repository as your dotfiles repository, you can use the following command.

$ chezmoi init$GITHUB_USERNAME/dotfiles.git

Check what changes that chezmoi will make to your home directory by running:

chezmoi diff

Apply the changes by running:

chezmoi apply -v

Install packages with scripts#

Change to the source directory and create a file called

chezmoi cd


Save your dotfiles once, deploy them everywhere